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歌词:I Got a Crush...On Obama(视频)  2008-04-03 15:48



Artist: Obama Girl

Vocals: Leah Kaufmann

Song: I Got a Crush...On Obama


Barack Obama:

I want to thank all of you for your time, your suggestions, your encouragement, and your prayers.

And I look forward to continuing our conversation in the weeks and months to come.

Obama Girl:

Hey B, it’s me. If you’re there, pick up.

I was just watching you on C-SPAN. [Sigh] Anyway, call me back.

You seem to float onto the floor

Democratic Convention 2004

I never wanted anybody more

Than I want you

So I put down my Kerry sign

Knew I had to make you mine

So black and sexy, you’re so fine

‘Cause I’ve got a crush on Obama

I cannot wait, 'til 2008

Baby you’re the best candidate

I like it when you get hard

On Hillary in debate

Why don't you pick up your phone?

'Cause I've got a crush on Obama

I cannot wait, 'til 2008

Baby you’re the best candidate

Of the new oval office

You’ll get your head of state

I can’t leave you alone

‘Cause I’ve got a crush on Obama

You’re into border security

Let’s break this border between you and me

Universal healthcare reform

It makes me warm

You tell the truth unlike the right

You can love but you can fight

You can Barack me tonight

I’ve got a crush on Obama

I cannot wait, 'til 2008

Baby you’re the best candidate

I like it when you get hard

On Hillary in debate

Why don't you pick up your phone?

'Cause I've got a crush on Obama

I cannot wait, 'til 2008

Baby you’re the best candidate

Of the new oval office

You’ll get your head of state

I can’t leave you alone

‘Cause I’ve got a crush on Obama

B to the A to the R-A-C-K-O-B-A-M-A (Barack Obama) [8x)

‘Cause I’ve got a crush on Obama

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